成田 亨

成田 亨Tohl Narita

9月3日神戸市に生まれる。 Born on September 3 in Kobe, Japan.
青森県に転居後、囲炉裏の炭をつかんで左手火傷。小中学校時代を再び兵庫県で過ごし、2度の空襲に遭遇。家族で青森に疎開するが青森も焼け野原だった。県立青森高等学校へ転入。この頃、シベリアから帰還したばかりの画家・阿部合成と出会う。「君は何を描きたいか?」絵を描くにはエモーションがなければならないことを学ぶ。高校卒業後、彫刻家・小坂圭二の指導を受ける。 Narita's family relocates to Aomori Prefecture. Suffers a burn injury to left hand prior to turning 1 year old from grabbing coal in his home's fireplace. Narita spends his school years in Hyogo Prefecture, when his town falls victim to two airstrikes in WWII. Narita family moves back to Aomori, and discovers that Aomori too has been turned barren by attacks. Narita transfers into Aomori Prefectural High School. During this time, Narita meets artist Gosei Abe, having recently returned from Siberia. Abe poses to him the question, “what would you like to paint?” Under Abe's instruction, Narita learns that 'painting finds its source in one's emotions.' After graduating from high school, Narita receives instruction in sculpting from Keiji Kosaka.
武蔵野美術学校(現・武蔵野美術大学)西洋画科入学。3年次に彫刻科に転科し清水多嘉示に師事。 Narita enters Musashino Art School (currently Musashino Art University), majoring in western painting. Narita then changes his major to sculpture in his junior year, and continues his study under the tutelage of Takashi Shimizu.
アルバイトで東宝映画「ゴジラ」の撮影現場の手伝いをしたことをきっかけに、映画美術の世界に入り、彫刻家として新制作展(1955[昭和30]年の第19回展から1971[昭和46]年の第35回展まで)に出品を続けながら、映画の特撮シーンを数多く手がける。 Narita works in production for Godzilla by Toho Films as a part-time staff member, inciting him to get more involved in production design for films. From then on, Narita begins to work on special effects for various films while continuing his work in sculpture. Begins entering his works into the Shinseisaku Exhibition, and continues to do so every year from 1955 to 1971.
東映で特撮美術監督。 Narita works as Art Director of Special Effects at Toei Company, Ltd.
第26回新制作展で《八咫》が新作家賞受賞、協友となる。 Narita's sculpture Yata receives the New Artist Award at the 26th Shinseisaku Exhibition. Narita becomes an associative member of Shinseisaku.
円谷特技プロダクションに呼ばれ「ウルトラQ」「ウルトラマン」「ウルトラセブン」「マイティジャック」の美術総監督となる。同時にヒーロー、怪獣、宇宙人、メカニックのデザインのほか、特技全般を手がける。 Tsuburaya Productions offers Narita the position of Executive Art Director, where he would go on to work on Ultra Q, Ultraman, Ultra Seven, and Mighty Jack. Concurrently participates in special effect work on all levels, handling the character design of various heroes, kaiju (characters), aliens and mechanisms.
円谷プロを離れる。以後、ディスプレイデザイン、舞台、テレビ、映画の特撮を数多く担当。 Narita leaves Tsuburaya Productions. Narita then begins working in display design, theater art, and special effects for television and film productions.
(株)モ・ブルを設立。 Narita founds Mot Boule, Inc.
日本万国博覧会の岡本太郎作《太陽の塔》の内部に《生命の樹》をデザイン。 Designs Seimei no Ki (Tree of Life) inside the Taro Okamoto's Taiyo no Tou (Tower of the Sun) at the Japan World Exposition, Osaka.
「突撃! ヒューマン!!」のキャラクターデザイン他特技全般を担当。 Works on character design and special effects for Totsugeki! Human!!
六本木アネックスで個展。朝日ソノラマより画集出版。 Holds a private exhibition at Roppongi Annex. Publisher Asahi Sonorama publishes a book of Narita's paintings.
京都府大江町(現・福知山市)に《鬼モニュメント》を制作。 Creates Oni no Monument in Oe (currently Fukuchiyama-shi), Kyoto.
東京・銀座に「ギャラリー宇輪」開設(1992年まで)。 Narita opens Gallery Urin in Ginza, Tokyo (Closed in 1992).
北上市立鬼の館のためにレリーフ《鬼幻影》を制作。 Works on sculptural relief Oni Genei for the Oni no Yakata (Kitakami Oni Museum) in Kitakami-shi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
フィルムアート社より『特撮と怪獣 わが造形美術』、『特撮美術』刊行。 Publishing firm Film Art publishes Tokusatsu to Kaiju, Waga Zoukei Bijutsu (Characters and Special Effects: My Arts) and Tokusatsu Bijutsu (Art of Special Effects NARITA Tohl).
水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリーで開催された椹木野衣企画の「日本ゼロ年」に出品。青森県が、ウルトラ関係のデザイン原画189点を購入。 Narita displays his work in Nihon Zero Nen (Japan Zero Year, organized by Noi Sawaragi) at Mito Art Tower's Contemporary Art Gallery in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. In the same year, Aomori Prefecture purchases 189 pieces of Narita’s work—mainly pieces from the Ultra series.
2月26日、多発性脳梗塞のため永眠。享年72歳。 On February 26, Tohl Narita passes away at the age of 72 due to a multiple cerebral infarction.
七戸町立鷹山宇一記念美術館他で「アート・ツアー・イン青森 成田亨が残したもの」展。成田亨遺稿集制作委員会より『真実 ある芸術家の希望と絶望』刊行。 Art Tour in Aomori, Narita Tohl no Nokoshita Mono (NARITA Tohl and several things he has left behind) held at the Takayama Uichi Memorial Museum of Art, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Production Committee for The Collection of Tohl Narita's Posthumous Manuscripts publishes Shinjitsu, Aru Geijyutsuka no Kibou to Zetsubou (The Truth of an Artist: Redemption and Oblivion).
田川市美術館で「成田亨の世界」展。 Exhibition Narita Tohl no Sekai (The World of Tohl Narita) held at the Tagawa Museum of Art, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
青森県立美術館開館。(ウルトラ関係のデザイン原画189展を所蔵) The Aomori Museum of Art, owner of 189 pieces of original design work from the Ultra series, opens its doors.
山寺芭蕉記念館、三鷹市美術ギャラリー、足利市立美術館で「怪獣と美術」展。 Exhibition Kaiju to Bijutsu (Characters and Art) held at Yamadera Basho Museum, the Mitaka City Gallery of Art, and the Ashikaga Museum of Art.
富山県立美術館で大回顧展「成田亨 美術/特撮/怪獣」 羽鳥書店より図録を兼ねた『成田亨作品集』刊行。 Retrospective exhibition Narita Tohl – Bijutsu, Tokusatsu, and Kaiju (Tohl Narita – Art, Special Effects, and Characters) held at The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama. Publishing firm Hatori Shoten publishes Narita Tohl Sakuhinshu (The Art of Tohl Narita).
「成田亨 美術/特撮/怪獣」展が、福岡市美術館、青森県立美術館へ巡回。羽鳥書店より『成田亨の特撮美術』刊行。 Exhibition Narita Tohl – Bijutsu, Tokusatsu, and Kaiju (Tohl Narita – Art, Special Effects, and Characters) also held in Fukuoka Art Museum and Aomori Museum of Art. Publishing firm Hatori Shoten publishes Narita Tohl no Tokusatsu Bijutsu (Art of Special Effects NARITA Tohl).


『成田亨画集 ウルトラ怪獣デザイン編』(朝日ソノラマ) Narita Tohl Gashu – Urutora Kaiju Dezain-hen (Artworks by Tohl Narita: 'Ultra Kaiju' Compilation). Asahi Sonorama, 1983.
『成田亨画集 メカニック編』(朝日ソノラマ) Narita Tohl Gashu – Mekanikku-hen (Artworks by Tohl Narita: 'Mechanism' Compilation). Asahi Sonorama, 1984.
『モンスター大図鑑』(弓立社) Monster Daizukan (A Visual Dictionary of Monsters). Yudachisha, 1986.
『特撮と怪獣 わが造形美術』(滝沢一穂編、フィルムアート社) Tokusatsu to Kaiju – Waga Zoukei Bijutsu (Characters and Special Effects: My Arts). Edited by Kazuho Takizawa, Film Art Inc., 1986.
『特撮美術』(フィルムアート社) Tokusatsu Bijutsu (Techniques in Special Effects). Film Art Inc.
『眞実 ある芸術家の希望と絶望』(成田亨遺稿集制作委員会) Shinjitsu, Aru Geijyutsuka no Kibou to Zetsubou (The Truth of an Artist: Redemption and Oblivion). Production Committee for The Collection of Tohl Narita's Posthumous Manuscripts, 2003.
『成田亨作品集』(監修:富山県立近代美術館・福岡市美術館・青森県立美術館、羽鳥書店) Narita Tohl Sakuhinshu (The Art of Tohl Narita). Editorial supervision: The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Fukuoka Art Museum, and Aomori Museum of Art. Hatori Shoten, 2014.
『成田亨の特撮美術』(羽鳥書店) Narita Tohl no Tokusatsu Bijutsu (Art of Special Effects NARITA Tohl). Hatori Shoten, 2015.